40. Pass the Ocean

Starting formation
Restricted at Basic and Mainstream to Facing Couples only

Command example

  • Pass The Ocean
Dance action
Pass Thru; Face your Partner; Step To A Wave
Ending formation
Right-Hand Ocean Wave
Timing 4
The 3-part definition is smoothed out. The left-side dancers walk in a forward arc to the right to their ending position. The right-side dancers walk forward to join left hands (hands up styling) and turn 1/4 with each other.


The application of the Ocean Wave Rule to this call is not used at Basic and Mainstream. It may be applied in the other programs.

Even though the styling encourages a smoothed out dance action, the definition of Pass The Ocean has three distinct parts and callers may take advantage of this in their choreography.

This call should not be fractionalized at Basic and Mainstream.

ARC Decisions

(April 2002)

Q: Is it proper to call “Pass The Ocean and Roll?”

A: No. The definition states that after the pass thru and turning to face partner, dancers will “step into a right-hand ocean wave.” Therefore a roll is not possible after stepping straight forward.