47. Touch 1/4

Starting formation

Facing Dancers only

Command Examples

  • Touch A Quarter
  • Touch One Quarter
Dance action
In one smooth motion, Step To A Wave and Turn 1/4 By The Right
Ending formation
Right-Hand Mini-Wave
Timing 2
Hands Up (see Additional Detail: Styling: Arms and Hands). When called from Facing Couples, the four dancers do not make a Wave midway through Touch 1/4.

From Facing Dancers, the call Step To A Wave (#36a) gives a Right-Hand Mini-Wave.

The Ocean Wave Rule does not apply to this call. Therefore, a combination like “Swing Thru, All 8 Circulate, Touch 1/4” is improper.

The left-handed version of this call is Left Touch 1/4. See “Additional Detail: Commands: Extensions like Reverse Wheel Around”.