48. Ferris Wheel

Starting formation
Two-Faced Lines

Command examples

  • Ferris Wheel
  • Ride A Ferris Wheel
Dance action
Each Couple Steps Forward. Out-facing couples do their part, Wheel And Deal. In-facing Couples form a momentary Two-Faced Line in the center, and without stopping Wheel And Deal.
Ending formation
Double Pass Thru
Timing 6


All dancers use couple handholds. The in-facing couples should walk forward enough that they could form a Two-Faced Line in the center before starting their Wheel And Deal. The dance action should be a forward and wheeling action, not a bending and sweeping action.

It is not necessary for the couples to touch adjacent hands in the momentary two-faced line, but some popular styling variations do involve touching or slapping hands.

The timing works best if the out-facing couple adjusts their speed so that everyone finishes at the same time.


As originally defined, there were other starting formations for Ferris Wheel (Facing Lines, 1/4 Line), but those variations have never been part of the CALLERLAB program.

From the formation Two-Faced Lines plus the couple looking in Bend The Line, the call Ferris Wheel is proper. This application is uncommon. Each Couple does their part.

The phrase “Ferris Wheel And Deal” is improper.