19. Recycle (from a wave only)

Starting formation

Ocean Wave only

Command Expample:

  • Recycle

Dance Action

Ends Cross Fold. Meanwhile, each Center Folds behind the adjacent End and follows the End around, adjusting to finish side-by-side in Facing Couples.

Ending Formation

Facing Couples

Timing: 4


As each End and adjacent Center begin to turn, they release their mini-wave handhold. They smoothly establish a couple handhold once they are approximately facing the same direction.


The Facing Couples Rule does not apply. From Facing Couples, the call Recycle has a different definition that is not part of the Mainstream program.

When teaching it may be helpful to prompt the action of the Centers as “Fold, follow, face” and to explain that the Centers walk almost a full circle to finish a small step back from where they started and beside the dancer they followed.