28. All 8 Spin the Top

Starting formation – Thar Star (stationary or in motion), Wrong Way Thar (stationary or in motion), Right & Left Grand Circle.

If started from a Thar Star or Wrong Way Thar, any motion is stopped, the handholds forming the center star are released, and each center dancer and the adjacent outside dancer Arm Turn one-half (180°). Those now in the middle Star three-quarters (walking forward), while the new outsides move forward one-quarter around the perimeter of the circle to join hands with the same person again in a Thar Star or Wrong Way Thar formation.

If started from a Right & Left Grand Circle, everyone turns by the right halfway (180°) with the person they are facing, then completes the call as above (new centers Star left three-quarters, etc.). The ending formation is a stationary Wrong Way Thar.

From a Right & Left Grand Circle, the command All 8 Left Spin The Top has everyone turn by the left halfway with the dancer they are facing and complete the call as above, ending in a stationary Thar Star formation.

STYLING: The initial arm turn one half (180°) is a forearm turn. The star portion is performed using standard star styling utilizing palm star hand positioning. Outside dancers moving forward have hands in natural dance position, ready to assume appropriate position for the next call. Ladies may use skirt work.

Timing: 10