01. Acey Deucey

Starting formation

Parallel Waves or Two-Faced Lines.

Center 4 Trade while the others Circulate.

Other formations are also acceptable. There must be 4 centers and 4 ends (or outsides). The centers must be able to Trade in adjacent pairs of 2 and the ends (or outsides) must be able to Circulate and not become centers.

Timing: 4

ARC Decisions

(August 2003)

Q: Is it proper to call Acey Deucey from a 3/4 Tag Formation?

A: No. The concept is too ambiguous and the dancers should not be expected to decide who the centers are. Those in the wave have both Centers and Ends, therefore it is too confusing.

(September/October 2004)

A: Proper. This usage fits within the definition. The points of the Diamond are the ends and the centers of each Diamond are the centers.

(July 2006)

Q: Is it proper to call Acey Deucey from a 3/4 Tag formation?

A: Yes. The committee voted this to now be a proper use of the call. The new definition permits this usage as there are four centers and four outside dancers. This ruling super cedes an earlier ruling by the ARC