07. Load the Boat

Starting formation

Lines of four, with centers facing in, and the ends of each line facing the same (in or out) direction.

The end dancers move forward around the outside, passing right shoulders with three moving end dancers, and turn one-quarter in (90°) to stand beside the third person passed, facing the center of the set as a couple. Simultaneously, the center four dancers Pass Thru, turn their backs to their momentary partners, Partner Trade with their new partners, and Pass Thru.


The end dancers, while moving on the outside, leave enough room for the center dancers to work comfortably. Arms are held in natural dance position throughout the action, blending into the appropriate hand position for the next call.

Timing: 12

ARC Decisions

(August 2003)

Q: Is it proper to fractionalize LOAD THE BOAT?

A: Yes. The definition clearly defines four parts for both Centers and Ends. It is pointed out that the timing is a real problem and callers should make themselves aware of this. Also, the ends wind up back to back with each other after the first three parts.