Starting formation – Various.

The term “… & Roll” may be added to any call which, by definition, causes one or more dancers to have turning body flow to the right or left as they complete their portion of the call. It is an instruction to those dancer(s) to turn individually, in place, one quarter (90°) more in the direction of body flow determined by the preceding command.

Note that if “… and Roll” is added to a call, which by definition, has some dancers walking in a straight line at the completion of their portion of the call, those dancers will do nothing for the “… and Roll”.

STYLING: At the completion of the movement preceding the roll (anything), release all handholds and allow the established momentum to set the direction for the solo turn in place. Arms are returned to natural dance position and ready to assume appropriate position for the next call.

Timing: 2

ARC Decisions

(April 2002)

Q: Is it proper to call “Pass The Ocean and Roll?”

A: No. The definition states that after the pass thru and turning to face partner, dancers will “step into a right-hand ocean wave.” Therefore a roll is not possible after stepping straight forward.

(May 2012)

Q: Is it proper to call: “Heads Lead Right, Circle to a Line and Roll.”?

A: Yes, This is proper at Plus provided the dancers execute the call according to the definition. If other variations of Circle to a Line are used, it would not be proper. The only dancer that can Roll is the very end dancer going under the arch. There seems to be a problem all over the world with the call not being danced according to the definition due to differences in Styling. Callers are cautioned that this is an extreme application of this call.

(May 2014)

Q: The formation was a Completed Double Pass Thru. The calls given were “Cloverleaf and Roll.”

A: This application was voted to be proper, as outlined herein. The definition of Anything and Roll is very clear as to who can or cannot Roll. Those who have turning motion as they complete their portion of the call can Roll. Dancers who are walking in a straight line at the completion of their portion of the call cannot Roll. Therefore, the Leaders of a Cloverleaf cannot Roll, but the Trailers can. It is suggested that callers help the dancers by calling “Cloverleaf &Trailers Roll.”

Also, the following calls are proper, “Heads Pass Thru, Cloverleaf & Roll.”

(September/October 2015)

Q: After ‘Spin Chain and Exchange the Gears’, ‘Roll’ was called expecting all dancers could Roll, finishing Eight Chain Thru Formation.

A: The ARC voted this to be proper to call Spin Chain and Exchange the Gears and Roll with the December 22, 2014 revision of Spin Chain and Exchange the Gears definition describing the Circulate Path of the trailing dancer, allowing the trailing dancer to Roll.