The Ocean Wave Family groups together two of the simplest calls that relate to the formations of Mini-Waves, Ocean Waves, and Tidal Waves.

Note: “Ocean Wave” refers to a 4-dancer formation. See “Appendix A: Formations: 4-Dancer Formations”. Terms such as “Wave of 3” or “Wave of 6” must be used for similar formations with other numbers of dancers.

36a. Step to a Wave

Starting formations
Facing Dancers

Command examples

  • Step To A Wave
  • Step To An Ocean Wave
  • Make a Wave
Dance action
Dancers walk forward a small step and join right hands.
Ending formation
Right-Hand Mini-Wave
Dancers should finish using Hands Up position with all adjacent dancers. (See “Additional Detail: Styling: Arms and Hands”; however, also see “General: Standardization”.)


Usually Step To A Wave is called from Facing Couples, ending in a Right-Hand Ocean Wave.

Dancers can also be asked to step to a left-hand wave (e.g., Step To A Left-Hand Wave).

The Ocean Wave Rule does not apply to this call.

The Facing Couples Rule requires certain dancers to add Step To A Wave prior to some calls. See General: Conventions and Rules: Facing Couples Rule.

36b. Balance

Starting formation

Command examples

  • Balance
  • Balance forward and back
  • Allemande Left In Alamo Style and Balance
  • Heads Square Thru 4; Step To A Wave; Balance
  • Dosado To A Wave and Balance, go forward and back
Dance action
Each dancer steps forward on one foot, using moderate tension in their connection with adjacent dancer(s), and pauses while bringing the other foot forward and touching it to the floor without transferring weight. Each dancer steps back on the free foot and pauses while touching the other foot beside it.
Ending formation
Timing 4


Dancers maintain handholds throughout the call.

Dancers should go forward no farther than shoulder-to-shoulder.


Usually Balance is called from an Alamo Ring or an Ocean Wave.

The Facing Couples Rule does not apply to this call.