3a. Dosado

Starting formation
Facing Dancers

Command examples

  • Dosado
  • Dosado your corner
  • Dosado your partner
  • Head Men Dosado
  • Heads Go Forward And Back; Heads Dosado

Dance action

Walking a smooth circular path, dancers walk forward, passing right shoulders, slide sideways to the right, walk backwards, passing left shoulders, and slide slightly to the left to return to their starting position.

Ending formation
Facing Dancers


Designated dancers from a Squared Set, returning to a Squared Set: 8; otherwise 6


Men: arms in natural dance position, right shoulders forward as right shoulders pass, left shoulders forward as left shoulders pass. Women: both hands on skirt, moving skirt forward and back to avoid opposite dancer, right hand forward as right shoulders pass, left hand forward as left shoulders pass.

Some new dancers dance Dosado with their arms crossed in front of them. While this indicates that the dancer has been exposed to square dancing in the past, it is not the recommended styling today.


The command “Dosado Your Corner” is a shorthand for “Face Your Corner; Dosado”. The same for “Dosado Your Partner”.

The Ocean Wave Rule applies to this call. The ending formation remains Facing Dancers.

From a Squared Set, Head Men Dosado is acceptable. They approach each other, Dosado, and return to their original position.

A Dosado which starts by passing left shoulders is called Left Dosado.

Formerly the phrase See Saw was occasionally used to accomplish a Left Dosado. In 2003 the Mainstream Committee voted to drop that application of See Saw and requests that callers use Left Dosado.

3b. Dosado to a Wave

Starting formation
Facing Dancers

Command examples

  • Dosado To A Wave
  • Dosado and Make A Wave
Dance action
In one smooth motion, Dosado and Step To A Wave.
Ending formation
Right-Hand Mini-Wave
Timing 6
Follow the styling for Dosado and Step To A Wave.
The Ocean Wave Rule applies to this call.